Monday, January 9, 2012

Fast weekend!

Friday night was a beautiful night to get a run in after work.  I decided to run by my house which is okay.  My husband bought me a Garmin 210 for Christmas and I just love using it now.  I've never been a techie, he is!  He'll research the heck out of anything.  I told him I wanted something "simple"...I operate better that way.  So it has HR, Pace, Time, distance..etc.  I have never worked on pace before and always went by either time or distance or both.  It's a great little tool for me.

Saturday I spent 10 hrs in a car.  I had to drive my son back to Canada.  Oh how i'll miss him.  He'll be back in June though to work and start college in the fall here in the USA..I sooo can't wait for that.

Sunday was another run, but at my favourite park which has all trails.  It was just wonderful and a huge workout as it's a lot of up and downs which had my HR through the roof, but it's good right?

This a.m. it was up at ohhhh dark 4:30 off to masters swim.  It's amazing how once I get going in the pool I feel sooo much better.

Have a great Monday!


  1. That was a busy weekend for you! All that driving...I can totally relate, but isn't that great your son will be back in a blink!

    I LOVE swimming, but for me to get to a pool early in the AM is near impossible...the closest pool is over 45 minutes away, so I'll just stick to my "after work swim" or try to organise my weekends so I can include a swim on Saturday and Sunday too!

    Have a GREAT week!! xoxoxo

  2. I just saw a coworker this morning with that watch on and she was telling me how simple it is and how much she loves it!

    What a long drive! And a lot of working out this weekend! :) Monday came too quick, right? I bet June will come just as quickly :)

  3. Happy you reminded me about masters swim. I need to get on that!


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