Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Lunch time workout.

I'm tired of looking at all of these chics with super sweet abs.  I decided this a.m. to bring a yoga mat into my office and do the abripper x workout and planks on my lunch hour.  So I closed my door to my office and did 15 min's of ab workouts.  Ouch!

Training is going well.  Except for the heat during my runs, everything is going well.  Swim is good, bike is good, run...well I did run 7 miles this past weekend and decided to sign up for a trail run that will happen this weekend.  5 miles of trails..yipeeeeee


  1. Shelley, you look GREAT!! Enough about the that chic couldn't do an least not with those nails! LOL

  2. I wish I had a door to my office. I brought my foam roller to work so I'll be rolling in the conference room today HAHAHAHA! Hope no one walks by. Can't imagine the looks I'll get.

    I should have woken up early to run but chose to sleep I'll be running my 5.5 miles in the afternoon swelter. You would think I would learn. I've thought about training with a heart monitor and try out "the zones". Have you ever done that??


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