Thursday, August 22, 2013

I want to become a Betty!!!

So Betty Designs is looking for an ambassador Betty Designs is THE most fashionable active wear I have seen.  I've been around doing triathlons since 2000.  There has never been a more unique brand of athletic clothing in ALL these year than theirs.  Lori Bowden was my hero and she had the most amazing outfits and I honestly wish that the every day girl could have something very cool too!

Yes, I drooled over the sick looking bathing suits all the girls were wearing in Kona for the past few years, they are for a reason....awesome!

Who is Betty?  Well here she is Betty, a fit rock star!
Would I like to look like her..OH YAH!!!  I know just having the opportunity to wear their gear will motivate me to be the best ambassador to them that I can be!

Vote and vote often for me..PLEASE :)

Email them here: kristin[at]brandbetty[dot]com  Tell them Shelley should be there next Betty!!!

Thank ya'll!

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